Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Tips & Advice on How to Handle your A levels

Little did I know when I turned up for my first day of College, that the leap up to A level would not be a smooth and easy transition as it had been with other years...Oh no, it required leaps and bounds and a couple hops to scrape up the A grades I had been so used to getting at GCSE!
Its amazing how being compacted into classes alongside other committed students can help you focus so much better...for once you are sitting next to someone who is interested in the subject and not screwing up paper into balls or some other pointless creation.

I think it is really important that you study at a college that you feel is right for YOU. Don't stay at school or the sixth form just because your friends are, sometimes it is good to have that space so that you can grow as a person and develop your skills independently as you will have to do at university. It is bad to be too comfortable. Many schools allow their students to stay on to the sixth form even if they don't have the grades, but at college, only the cream of the crop are picked - students need at least a B most of the time to get onto an A level course, meaning you will be among students that will influence and inspire you to maintain a high level of achievement.

Stay focused on what you need to do to get a good grade. 'Assessment objectives' are crucial at A level! Whatever you do, do not ignore them! Make sure you meet all the criteria of the AO's in order to achieve the band (level) you want. Get feedback from your teachers. Even though there may be certain guidelines they have to follow when marking students work, its important that you try and get as much verbal/written feedback about how you can improve your coursework, as they will be able to spot things that your work is missing. Take it all into consideration and make it better and better and better!

Its all about organization. What do you do when you get home? Fling down your bag and coat and watch TV? Browse through your Facebook news feed for a few hours or loiter around the kitchen opening cupboards? These procrastinating, time wasting habits need to stop! Make sure you have study time allocated to each of the subjects you are taking in your planner or diary. Consistent, continuous study is the ultimate key to exam success, you can't cram in all the stuff you were supposed to know just a week or a few days before the exam, preparing your mind over a long period of time will bring out the best in yourself.

Believe in your self. Its a well known fact that your mentality is reflected in all that you do. If you wake up feeling pessimistic and negative, it is very likely that it will make you view everything else for the rest of the day in that same light. If you wake up feeling very positive, this can make even the crappiest days have a positive twist to it. This also applies to your work ethic. If you mentally tell yourself that you are aiming for that A, self motivating and encouraging yourself to reach that goal, then it is more likely that you will achieve it! On the other hand, letting a bad mock test grade or a past failure spoil your confidence in your abilities, will stop you from trying and pushing for the grade you want. Think: 'I can do it!'


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